Master of Architectural Engineering

Master of Architectural Engineering 300 points

The Master of Architectural Engineering is a 350 point program. Students entering via an undergraduate major in architecture will initially complete an 8 subject sequence in engineering. Students entering from engineering major will complete an 8 subject sequence in architecture. At the completion of first year, both groups will commence a shared second year sequence.

Prerequisites apply for the Master of Architectural Engineering. Please see the handbook entry:

For information on pathways from the Bachelor of Design to the Master of Architectural Engineering:

First year: Architecture pathway

For students who have completed an undergraduate major in Architecture:

Year 1
Semester 1

ENGR90021 Critical Communication for Engineers

ENGR20004 Engineering Materials and Mechanics

ENGR30002 Fluid Mechanics

MAST20029 Engineering Mathematics

Year 1
Semester 2

ENEN20002 Earth Processes for Engineering

CVEN20001 Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering

CVEN30010 System Modelling and Design

CVEN30009 Structural Theory and Design

First year: Engineering pathway

For students who have completed an undergraduate major in Engineering:

Year 1
Semester 1

ABPL90284 Master of Architecture Studio A

ABPL90286 Construction Methods A

ABPL90288 Architectural Cultures 1: Modernism

Year 1
Semester 2

ABPL90285 Master of Architecture Studio B

ABPL90287 Architectural Technology

ABPL90289 Architectural Cultures 2:After Modernism

Master of Architectural Engineering

After completion of the first 100 points, students from both pathways will complete identical subjects:

Year 2
Semester 1

ABPL90437 Design Studio C

ABPL90118 Applied Architectural Technology

CVEN90049 Structural Theory and Design 2

Year 2
Semester 2

ABPL90438 Design Studio D

CVEN90045 Engineering Project Implementation

CVEN90051 Civil Hydraulics
Winter Semester  ABPL90120 Building Sustainability (September) 

Year 3
Semester 1

ABPL90140 Architectural Practice

CVEN90044 Engineering Site Characterisation

CVEN90043 Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering

CVEN90050 Geotechnical Engineering

Year 3
Semester 2

ABPL90439 Design Studio E

ABPL90117 Twenty-first Century Architecture

CVEN90058 Construction Engineering

Year 4
Semester 1

ABPL90390 Architectural Engineering Thesis (Capstone)CVEN90059 Integrated Design - Infrastructure

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Stop 1 provides enrolment and other support to Bachelor of Design, Bachelor of Environments and Melbourne School of Design students.